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Coalition between others and dedicated to ending the Dog Meat Trade in Indonesia!!

Previously we were working on our Dogs Are Not Food campaign but have now collaborated with other trust worthy, amazing animal organizations such as Change For Animals Foundation, Animal Friends Jogja & Humane Society International to come back with a brand new, strong campaign called Dog Meat Free Indonesia or DMFI!

The official launch was on November 2nd 2017 & is supported by many local as well as international influencers such as Sophia Latjuba, Melanie Subono, Ricky Gervais, Joanna Lumley, Gamaliel Tapiheru, Peter Egan & many more. Below is the official film ‘I Didn’t Know’ please watch (no slaughter of dogs) & please sign our petition on our official DMFI website –

DMFI Coalition team

Jakarta Animal Aid Network, Animal Friends Jogja, Change for Animals, Humane Society International, Four Paws, AnimalAsia

join us to take action
Take action now by signing our global petition calling on the Indonesian government to ban the trade in and slaughtering of dogs, and consumption of dog meat throughout Indonesia

Every year, an estimated 1 million dogs are brutally captured and transported throughout Indonesia, crammed into sacks and cages, their mouths bound shut so tightly they can hardly breathe. They are taken on long, grueling journeys to markets and slaughterhouses. For those who survive, they watch other dogs being brutally slaughtered while they wait their turn. The trade is cruel and dangerous, and it must stop!

People Deserve Better

There are growing concerns for animal welfare throughout Indonesia and there is increasing awareness that the trade is incompatible with efforts to control and eliminate rabies – a deadly disease that has a devastating impact on human and animal health


Throughout the world, dogs are Mankind’s most loyal companions, bringing us joy, cherished as “therapists” in schools and in hospitals and homes for the young and elderly, and serving in our police forces and armies. As pet ownership rises rapidly in Indonesia – and globally – it is a duty to ensure they are adequately protected from cruelty, and to be recognised – and respected – as companion animals.