it’s a Beloved Pet

Dogs have the closest bond with people. One of the reasons why is because of its outstanding intelligence compared to other animals, so people can train it to help them. Dog is widely known as the most faithful people’s best friend and is incredibly faithful (Prajanto and Agus, 2004).

By: Drh.Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl.Montessori

Translator: Raden Destyana Yunissa Prizka

Relationships between people and dogs had been formed centuries ago. At that time, people used stray dogs to assist them in hunting for food. Moreover, it was kept to guard its owner and his family that they formed an intimate bond.

Dog is a Pet, Not an Agricultural Commodity

Based on Indonesian Government Regulation number 95/2012 about Veterinary Public Health and Animal
Welfare, animals are living creatures, which occupy overall or half of land, water, and/or air, in the wild or are kept as pets.

In addition to that, according to Indonesian Government Act number 18/2009 about Animal Husbandry and
Animal Health, livestock means pet which is used to produce agricultural products for food purpose, industry material, service, and/or its derivative products are related to agriculture. While a pet itself is an animal that relies its whole or half of its life on people.

In the Indonesian Government Act number 18/2012
article 1 clause (1), about Food, Food is everything
from biological sources such as agriculture, plantation, forestry, fishery, husbandry, and waters, that is used for human food and drink, whether it is processed or not, includes additional food material, food main material and other material used in the process of food and drink preparation, processing, and making.

From the explanations above, we can conclude that dogs are pets and should not be used for human consumption. Dogs should be human companions.

Source :
Ingat, Daging Anjing Bukan Bahan Pangan untuk Dikonsumsi

Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 95 Tahun 2012 tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner Dan Kesejahteraan Hewan
Prajanto dan Agus Andoko, Membuat anjing sehat dan pintar, Depok : Agromedia Pustaka, 2004.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 18 tahun 2009 tentang peternakan dan kesehatan hewan.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 18 tahun 2012 tentang pangan.