Sterilization is a surgical procedure in which a part of your pet’s reproductive organ is removed to stop it from reproducing. Sterilization is done on male and female dogs and cats. For male animals, the testicles are removed, and this procedure is commonly known as castration. Sterilization has various health benefits and
also has an impact to shape good behaviour for your dogs and cats

Content By : Drh. Merry Ferdinandez, M.Si

Benefit of Castration
on Male Animals::


  1. Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer (a tumour that often afflicts male animals).
  2. Minimizes the risk of inflamed prostate gland and prostate cancer.
  3. Minimizes the risk of perianal gland tumour.
  4. Reduces male animals’ habits for marking their territory.
  5. Reduces the risk of animals running away from home and fighting over female animals with other males.
  6. Minimizes the risk of STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases)

Benefit of Sterilization or Ovary Hysterectomy (OH) on Female Animals:


  1. Eliminates risk of cervical and ovarian cancer.
  2. Eliminates Pyrometry Disease (an infection in the female’s reproductive tract).
  3. If sterilization is done before their first heat (under 6 months old), it minimizes the risk of breast cancer
  4. Population Control and it prevents overpopulation.
  5. There is no guarantee and protection for a female not to be at risk from breast cancer if the sterilization has not taken place after 2 years.
  6. Animals with diabetes and epilepsy should be sterilized to prevent any hormonal imbalance/changes