4 Easy Ways to Find Out a Kitten’s Age

By: Drh. Mikeu Paujiah And Maryam Smeer

Translator : AWI Team

Baby kittens’ eyes will be closed when they are born. Their eyes will start to open at around 8-12 days of age. Kittens’ eyes will be fully open by the time they are 2 weeks old.

Image 1 . Development Milestone of Cat

Here are some ways to estimate your cat’s age:

1. Cat’s Eye

Baby kittens’ eyes will be closed when they are born. Their eyes will start to open at around 8-12 days of age. Kittens’ eyes will be fully open by the time they are 2 weeks old.

2. Cat Weight

Apart from their eyes, we can also estimate their age by their weight. Kittens will continue to gain weight at a relatively steady rate until 10 weeks of age. If the animal is healthy, kittens will weigh 0.5kg at around 4 weeks old, 1kg at around 8 weeks old, and 1.5kg at around 10 weeks old.

3. Walking and Play Ability

Most kittens start walking at 3 weeks of age. However, at that time, eye, leg and other coordination skills are still developing. So it is safe to say that kittens should be able to walk, run and play by at least 4 weeks of age.

4. The shape of a cat’s teeth

Teeth are an excellent age determinant for kittens. Cats have two types of teeth: baby teeth and adult teeth.

Baby teeth begin to appear about 3 weeks after the kitten is born.
The first permanent teeth will usually erupt around 12 weeks of age. The first permanent tooth is in the centre incisor position.

The second and third incisors appear at 14-16 weeks of age, Kitten teeth are so small that it is quite difficult to distinguish between baby and permanent teeth. However, the main difference is that baby teeth are slightly smaller and have sharp edges, while permanent teeth are slightly wider and have flat edges.

Permanent teeth will grow in place of baby teeth. By 6 months of age, all of a cat’s adult teeth have erupted. At this point, the condition of the cat’s teeth is no longer very helpful for us to estimate their age.

That’s how to estimate a kitten’s age. It is hoped that by knowing the age of the kitten, the feeding can be appropriate for its age.

Here are some ways to estimate your cat’s age:

1. Cat’s Eye

Baby kittens’ eyes will be closed when they are born. Their eyes will start to open at around 8-12 days of age. Kittens’ eyes will be fully open by the time they are 2 weeks old.

2. Cat Weight

Apart from their eyes, we can also estimate their age by their weight. Kittens will continue to gain weight at a relatively steady rate until 10 weeks of age. If the animal is healthy, kittens will weigh 0.5kg at around 4 weeks old, 1kg at around 8 weeks old, and 1.5kg at around 10 weeks old.

3. Walking and Play Ability

Most kittens start walking at 3 weeks of age. However, at that time, eye, leg and other coordination skills are still developing. So it is safe to say that kittens should be able to walk, run and play by at least 4 weeks of age.

4. The shape of a cat’s teeth

Teeth are an excellent age determinant for kittens. Cats have two types of teeth: baby teeth and adult teeth.

Baby teeth begin to appear about 3 weeks after the kitten is born.
The first permanent teeth will usually erupt around 12 weeks of age. The first permanent tooth is in the centre incisor position.

The second and third incisors appear at 14-16 weeks of age, Kitten teeth are so small that it is quite difficult to distinguish between baby and permanent teeth. However, the main difference is that baby teeth are slightly smaller and have sharp edges, while permanent teeth are slightly wider and have flat edges.

Permanent teeth will grow in place of baby teeth. By 6 months of age, all of a cat’s adult teeth have erupted. At this point, the condition of the cat’s teeth is no longer very helpful for us to estimate their age.

That’s how to estimate a kitten’s age. It is hoped that by knowing the age of the kitten, the feeding can be appropriate for its age.

Image 2 . Cat Tooth Structure

Gambar 3. Cat Tooth Growth

Source :

aspcapro.org . How to Determine a Kitten’s Age.
Diakses pada 1 Agustus 2024, dari https://www.aspcapro.org/resource/how-determine-kittens-age

Franny Syufy. (2022, 26 Oktober). How to Determine Your Cat’s Age. Diakses pada 1 Agustus 2024, dari

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