Vaccination is an injection to weaken the virus/bacteria with a minimal dose with the aim of forming antibodies/immunity to certain diseases in accordance with the injected vaccine.

Content By : Drh. Merry Ferdinandez, M.Si


  1. Vaccinations are best done when your dog’s age reaches 6 weeks old or for cat this is 8 weeks old. Around this age, animals’ immunity obtained from their mother’s milk fades away; hence there’s risk for them to be exposed to any diseases caused by virus.
  2. All dogs have to be vaccinated to remain in a healthy condition. A deterioration in the overall health of a dog can take place, when a vaccine has been administered while being unwell.
  3. Vaccination is done according to the need of a geographical condition related to a local disease epidemiology.
  1. All pet owners are responsible to give the yearly rabies vaccination to their pets to safeguard the well-being of their surroundings and neighbours.
  2. Rabies is an infectious virus that attacks central neurons’ system in humans and other mammals, caused by rabies virus. The pet can get infected through saliva (dog, cat or primate), by bite or through an open wound. This condition is a fatal one and up until today there’s no therapy that can cure both animal or human that’s already rabies positive. Therefore, a Rabies vaccine is necessary so that both your pet or family can prevent the danger of contracting this virus.
  3. Besides the Rabies Vaccination, vaccinations are also needed to avoid several others fatal infections for your cat and dog, considering several animal diseases are zoonotic, meaning it
    can be infected from animal to human. Contact your local vet to get vaccination schedule according to your pet’s need.