6 Play Ideas for Kindergarten Children

By: Drh. Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl. Montessori and Maryam Smeer, S. Kom

Games are an effective medium in instilling the value of compassion for animals from an early age. Through play, kindergarten-age children can learn about different types of animals and understand how important it is to care
for them. This is especially beneficial for children who have not had the opportunity to be close to animals

Below, we will discuss some game ideas that teachers or parents can use to teach children about animal compassion in a fun and educational way.

1. ‘Take Care of Pets’ Game

Objective: To teach children about the responsibility of caring for animals.

How to play: Provide stuffed animals or pictures of animals in the classroom. The children will pretend to feed, comb or clean the animal. The teacher can explain the importance of keeping the pet healthy and happy.

Benefits: Children learn that animals need care just like humans

2. ‘Recognise Animal Sounds’ Game

Objective: To teach children about different types of animals and their needs.

How to play: prepare animal photo cards and Play animal sounds and ask children to guess what animal it is. After guessing, discuss how to care for the animal and what it needs to be happy and healthy.

Benefits: Children learn to recognise different types of animals and their basic needs.

3. ‘Make an Animal Shelter’ Game

Objective: To introduce the concept of animal welfare through the creation of suitable habitats.

How to play: Children are asked to build animal habitats using blocks or folded paper, such as cages or small houses. The teacher can explain that a comfortable and safe place to live is important for animal welfare.

Benefits: Children learn about the need for safe and comfortable spaces for animals.

4. ‘Protect Animals’ Game

Objective: To teach about empathy for animals that are injured or in danger.

How to play: The teacher gives a scenario where a stuffed or drawn animal is in danger (e.g. trapped or injured). The children are asked to pretend to save the animal and take care of it.

Benefits: Children learn that they have an important role in protecting and looking after the welfare of animals.

5. ‘Feed the Hungry Animals’ Game

Objective: To teach care and concern for the basic needs of animals.

How to play: Make pictures or puppets of animals that look hungry. Give children fake food appropriate to the type of animal (such as fruit for monkeys, grass for cows, or meat for tigers). They will learn to feed the animal properly.

Benefits: Children understand that each animal has different food needs

6. ‘Compassion for Animals’ Game

Objective: To teach children about how animals feel and how they can feel loved.
How to play: Make a circle and give each child a stuffed animal. Ask them to say something nice to the stuffed animal, such as ‘I love you’ or ‘I will take good care of you’.

Benefits: Children learn to express love and affection to living things

6. ‘Compassion for Animals’ Game

Objective: To teach children about how animals feel and how they can feel loved.
How to play: Make a circle and give each child a stuffed animal. Ask them to say something nice to the stuffed animal, such as ‘I love you’ or ‘I will take good care of you’.

Benefits: Children learn to express love and affection to living things


Play is an effective way to develop children’s empathy and understanding of the world around them.

Animal Welfare Indonesia also provides game ideas and worksheets for children aged kindergarten to high school. All materials and worksheets can be downloaded for free at the following link.

Read Also : Silabus Pendidikan

Books are also a great medium to teach children to love animals. Animal Welfare Indonesia also provides books that can be read for free at the following link.

Have fun playing!

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