Content By : Karin Franken,
Co-Founder & Board Director JAAN Domestic

Ilustration by : Aya Diandara Salvator

You will help to reduce dog meat trade and illegal dog meat farm

Dogs meat trade and illegal farming usually don’t apply 5 animal welfare principles. For example: The adult dogs are caged in a very
small cage for life time and forced to give birth to puppies to be sold


You are supporting Animal Rescue Non-Profit Organization

Basically, Animal Rescue Organization have vision to improve animal welfare and to end animal cruelty as well.


Adoption fee that you spend will be more useful compared to buy dog.

Adopter candidate gives donation based on shelter policy. Meanwhile, buy a dog from puppy mill or Pet shop will only adding suffering to the trafficked animal, as if they are a commercial item and you are paying for the practice.

You will get pet with good quality of basic trainings.

Basically, Animal Rescue Organization have vision to improve animal welfare and to end animal cruelty as well.

Give second chance to neglected cat or dog.

At JAAN adoption centre, all rescued cats and dogs once were cruelty victims and they have terrible condition.


You can adopt from dog shelter owned by BKHI (government) dan Pondok Pengayom Satwa, or animal rescue Non-Profit Organizations, one of them is Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) or through ADOPSI APP.

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