Help Them End Cruelty of Battery Cages

Help Them End Cruelty of Battery Cages

Help Them End Cruelty of Battery Cages By: Rieka EvandariTranslator : Caroline Wullur We often see views of stacked and narrow chicken coops like this in areas, especially the island of Java. The chicken is confined to a tiny box and deprived of all mobility. They...
The Fact About Antrax You Need to Know

The Fact About Antrax You Need to Know

                    The Fact About AntraxYou Need to Know     By: Drh.Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl.MontessoriTranslator: Anastasia Merry Linda Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by Anthrax bacteria / germs (Bacillus anthracis)   This disease is Zoonosis   Manusia bisa...
The Importance of Financial Planning for Pet Owners

The Importance of Financial Planning for Pet Owners

The Importanceof FinancialPlanning forPet Owners     A survey conducted in the USA found that while over 71 million houses in the country currently have at least one pet, relatively few of them have a budget for their animal companions.     By: Drh.Mikeu Paujiah,...
Five Domains Model of Potential Welfare Compromise

Five Domains Model of Potential Welfare Compromise

                  Five Domains Model ofPotential WelfareCompromise         By: Azmi MasfiyatiTranslator: Winaya Satasya In 1964, Ruth Harrison Published a book titled “Animal Machines’ ‘ which caused a stir in England, leading to the formation of the...