Dolphin Circus: When Human Joy Is at the Expense of Wildlife

Dolphin Circus: When Human Joy Is at the Expense of Wildlife

Dolphin Circus:When Human Joy Isat the Expense ofWildlife By: Azmi MasfiyatiTranslator: Raden Destyana Yunissa Prizka Dolphins are intelligent marine mammals with brains that are on par with human intelligence. They are gregarious creatures that inhabit colonies. The...
Four Ways to Remain Well Despite Owning a Pet

Four Ways to Remain Well Despite Owning a Pet

Four Ways to RemainWell Despite Owninga Pet   Having a pet has a lot of advantages. Having a pet helps its owner overcome feelings of loneliness and despair because it makes him feel like he has a companion. In addition, the owner of a pet is obligated to exercise,...
12 Simple Enrichments at Cat Shelters

12 Simple Enrichments at Cat Shelters

12 SimpleEnrichments atCat Shelters In order to ensure the wellbeing of the animals, shelters are expected to be able to provide for their emotional demands in addition to their bodily needs. The environment in which an animal resides is one factor that affects animal...