
By :

Natalie Stewart, Co-Founder JAAN

For now, our main focus are egg industry, as it becomes an
urgent issue for farm animals in Indonesia.

You can see several benefits from applying animal welfare in
your company:

– The increase of food safety
– Strong CSR 
– Lower damaging impact to the environment

Many international companies have pledged their commitment to gradually change to working with free range
egg supplier in their supply chain. See the list of those companies below:


If your company is willing to join in a movement to change this world, our team will gladly help you.

Farm Animal Care Alliance is able to provide guidance in expanding a clear and transparent policy for chicken welfare, and to gain acknowledgment from various related parties such as investors, suppliers, customers, and third sector.

We also can provide you with marketing communication and promote this policy on media headlines and our social media.

Since animal welfare policies usually take up to 7 years to be fully applied, we will help your business to set annual goals that can be achieved and provide continuous support within implementation period.


The majority of 150 million chickens used for producing commercial eggs in Indonesia spend their lives in tiny cage wire also known as “battery cage”. In these cages, they are forced to live their lives without being able to move or fully spread their wings. They live a terrible, sad life without freedom, under constant pressure.

Battery cages are considered as the most controversial and cruel animal cage by animal welfare experts. Each cage contains 5 to 10 chickens, and each hen has a living space that smaller than a A4 sheet. Many of them didn’t survive and the ones that do often forced to share that tiny space with their dead friends.

Lack of movement weakens chickens’ bones that kept in battery cages and they can suffer from broken bones and more severe disease osteoporosis.

Because of the cruelty of this system, conventional battery cages are forbidden in Uni Europe, Bhutan, New Zealand and some states in America. Canada also committed to gradually ending this type of cages.

Research from scientists prove that chickens have complex cognitive, emotions and socials like other poultry and other mammals. They can get a complex emotions, like fear, stress, joy and empathy.