Caring for pets can help to improve mental health

Having a pet has many benefits. Related to World Mental Health week, Animal Welfare Indonesia summarizes various benefits from pet caring for mental health.

By: Drh.Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl.Montessori

  • Increase the feeling of wanted and needed.

Pets can give a sense of security and remove loneliness. Taking care of them can make you feel wanted and needed.

  • Reduce anxiety.

Having pets can reduce anxiety because 
you feel that there is someone
accompanying you

  • Increase self-confidence.

Pets can be good listeners, they are good partners in talking, who won’t criticize you. It can help improve confidence, especially when you feel isolated or misunderstood.

  • Help you to meet new people.

Having pets can also be a way to meet others, for example: in a pet shop, training class, or online group, when walking or in community.

  • Make you more focused & structured.

Feeding routine, physical exercises, and caring for pets can help you live the day more structured and you will feel more realistic and focused.

Then what if you don’t have pets? Don’t worry, you can visit shelters to be volunteers. You can invite them to play, you can help the shelter’s staff to feed and clean the cages. Are you interested to try ?

Muthia Syarifa Yani, hewan peliharaan dan manfaatnya bagi Kesehatan,
Pets and Mental Health,, 2022.