by admin | Nov 17, 2023 | Domestic Animal Welfare, Education, Edukasi, Kesejahteraan Hewan, Uncategorized
Horse Care Guideline Your horse depends on your love, care and commitment, which you can show through grooming, petting, riding and the occasional treat. With good care, your horse can live 35 years or more. By: Humane Society Of The United States Download : Horse ...
by admin | Oct 20, 2023 | Domestic Animal Welfare, Edukasi, Kesejahteraan Hewan
STRAY ANIMALS AND THEIR ROLES IN PUBLIC HEALTH Stray animals have always been living with humans for a long time. It is known that whenever there are human populations, stray populations will follow; be it incidental or humans do affect strays to come and live with...
by admin | Oct 1, 2023 | Domestic Animal Welfare, Edukasi, Kesejahteraan Hewan
Learn about the five categories used in animal welfare assessment. For the first time developed in the 1950s, the Five Freedoms or Five Principles of Animal Welfare (Five Freedoms) have served as a global standard for animal welfare for many years. By: Drh.Mikeu...
by admin | Sep 25, 2023 | Domestic Animal Welfare, Edukasi, Kesejahteraan Hewan
Dog is NOT A LIVESTOCK, it’s a Beloved Pet Dogs have the closest bond with people. One of the reasons why is because of its outstanding intelligence compared to other animals, so people can train it to help them. Dog is widely known as the most faithful people’s best...
by admin | Sep 20, 2023 | Domestic Animal Welfare, Edukasi, Kesejahteraan Hewan
What Happens When A Dog Is Chained All The Time Chain your dog all the time is quite endangering for its physical and mental health. This will disrupt its psychology and once being unleashed, it will become very aggressive and will try to run away from its owner. The...
by admin | Sep 18, 2023 | Domestic Animal Welfare, Edukasi, Kesejahteraan Hewan
Animal’s Level and Response to Traumatic Events Not only humans, but animals also can experience traumatic events in their life. On a certain level, animals can cope with this. But on a higher level, these traumatic events can cause disturbance to their lives, and can...