Consider This Before Decided To Get A Pet

Deciding to get a pet is a big responsibility and lifelong. Animosity from every family member is needed so no one gets offended when one of the family members decides to get a pet. It would be so selfish to decide to get a pet just because other people do or because animals look cute. Deciding to get a pet is the same as adopting a human child. Because once they enter a family, they become our family.

By: drh. Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl.Montessori

Think about these before you get a pet

  • Does your home have enough space for them, because they also need space to sleep, play, eat, poop, etc.

  • Do you have enough time for them? They not only need to eat, they also need to play, walk, exercise and cuddle with humans?

  • Do every family member agree to get a pet?
  • Do you have the budget for them? Food, physical and health care?

  • Can you commit to caring for them?

Of all those questions, could you afford to get a pet?

Source :
Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs