STRAY ANIMALS, Who are they?

STRAY ANIMALS, Who are they?

Stray AnimalsWho Are They?Content By : Angelous Bobby Fernando,Founder Adopsi AppA mobile application to adopt and adopting domestic animals, like dogs and catsScan fordownload!Related Post

Why animal cruelty damages society as a whole?

Why animal cruelty damages society as a whole?

With the latest animal cruelty cases in Indonesia that have gone viral on social media platforms, it becomes all the more clear that the country desperately needs a new, more holistic approach to deal with this never-ending circle of suffering. Animal cruelty not only affects the animals themselves, but society as a whole, as studies have shown over and over again. In other words, there is a strong interconnectedness between violence towards animals and violence towards people, so it is crucial to recognize animal abuse as a strong predictor of potential violence towards humans.



Vaccination is an injection to weaken the virus/bacteria with a minimal dose with the aim of forming antibodies/immunity to certain diseases in accordance with the injected vaccine.

The Importance of Sterilization in Cats

The Importance of Sterilization in Cats

The Importance of Sterilization in Cats. Cats are animals with a seasonal polyestrous cycle, which means they experience periods of heat in certain seasons. During the heat period, if the female and male unite, the possibility of pregnancy is quite high. Cats are included in the category of multiparous animals, which can conceive and give birth to several litters in one gestation period. In one period, a cat can give birth to 1-6 kittens. The cat’s lactating period lasts about 2 months, after which the female can experience heat again. Without efforts to control the population of cats, both female and male, the number of cat populations can increase significantly. In one year, the cat population can increase up to 18
times if no control measures are taken.

The Impact of Overpopulation in Shelter

The Impact of Overpopulation in Shelter

The Impact of Overpopulation in Shelter. The primary functions of animal shelters are to
protect animals from abuse and to uphold their social, mental, and physical well-being. A balance between revenue and expenses, as well as between the size of the shelter and the number of animals housed there, is necessary to provide a secure and comfortable environment for the animals. And in order to prevent overcrowding, a shelter needs to regulate its population. Because an overcrowded shelter will only have negative
effects on the residents, who are also animals. What negative effects are those?

Canine Body Language

Canine Body Language

Canine Body Language. While your dog cannot speak as you do, she does relay her feelings and emotions through a series of body postures, gestures and vocalizations. Her body language can be subtle and wide-ranging, but with a little practice you can learn and understand it. Your dog will use her ears, eyes, ears, mouth, tail and general body movement/postures to communicate to you. She may also use vocalizations.

Healthy Cats = Proper Diet

Healthy Cats = Proper Diet

Healthy Cats =Proper Diet
Fresh, clean drinking water is a constant
requirement for cats. For cats to maintain their health and fitness, they require a balanced diet that includes foods that are exclusively found in meat-based products. Considering that cats are real carnivores (Karnivora Obligat).

Why Dogs Bark

Why Dogs Bark

Dogs utilise their voice (barking) and body
language (wagging their tail, for example) to
communicate with humans, other dogs, and other
animals when they can’t speak. For dogs, barking
is a typical behaviour. The majority of normal,
healthy dogs bark. Has your dog’s barking ever caught your attention? Is it high pitched at times, or is it frequent?

Things you need to know about your cat’s natural behavior

Things you need to know about your cat’s natural behavior

Cat’s natural behavior is related to age, personality and past experience. Cats really love to play, both with their humans or toys. Playing and moving around is really important for their physical and mental health. Although they sleep most of the day, they still need to move around and play.

Pets as property in Animal Welfare

Pets as property in Animal Welfare

Pets as propertyin Animal WelfareCitayam Fashion Week in Jakarta is now booming and attracts people’s attention, especially those with a passion for the modeling world. This weekly event shows street fashion a la Harajuku in Japan which attracts people both locally...

Feline Behavior Guidelines

Feline Behavior Guidelines

The benefits of living with a pet are now well
recognized. By preventing and treating
behavioral problems, we have the opportunity to
protect and strengthen the
human-pet-veterinary bond and increase the
quality of life for both pets and pet lovers. The
goals of the American Association of Feline
Practitioners (AAFP) Feline Behavior
Guidelines are to support veterinarians and Cat
Lovers by providing practical information and
client educational materials to
successfully incorporate feline behavioral
medicine into every practice that offers feline