One Health,
One Welfare

Two significant movements that support one another are One Health and One Welfare. The objectives of both movements are the same:
to enhance human welfare by acknowledging the connection that already exists between people, animals, and the environment.
Because of their interdependence and connectivity, humans, animals, and the environment are intertwined.


By: Drh.Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl.Montessori
Translator: Raden Destyana Yunissa Prizka


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mendefinisikan One Health sebagai sebuah upaya pendekatan kolaboratif dari berbagai sektor dan multidisiplin baik di tingkat lokal, nasional maupun global dengan tujuan untuk mencapai kesehatan yang optimal dengan mengakui keterkaitan antara
manusia, hewan, tumbuhan dan lingkungan.

One Welfare is an approach to describe mutual relation between animal welfare, human welfare and
environment. It is right to say when we care about animal welfare, it will affect both human welfare and
the environment.


Both concepts are connected and need any kind of science to be involved, so the earth becomes a safer place to live.


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