By: Putu Eka Gunadi
Translated: Raden Destyana Yunissa Prizka

In the northern parts of the planet, winter arrives, and food supplies are running low. Millions of birds migrate to the southern regions of the planet during that period. We refer to these travels as migratory bird migration.
Food shrinking is a result of dropping temperature.

Birds migrate for many reasons than only avoiding not only to locate another food source to survive in the cold. They are therefore able to survive and procreate

Map of Indonesia's migrating bird population (Source: National Geographic Indonesia)

Map of Indonesia’s migrating bird population (Source: National Geographic Indonesia)

Three types of migratory birds can be found in Indonesia: water birds, raptors, and passerine or perching birds. September to April they fly to tropical destinations. Five to six months after the summer, they return to their home nations to reproduce.

However, migratory birds are also divided into two categories based on where they migrate from: northern migratory birds and southern migratory birds. Since all of those birds are either adults or subadults, it is highly unlikely that any of them are hatchlings.

Who might they be? So let’s introduce ourselves! It’s critical to identify them because we may come across “these long-distance guests” in our surroundings.


MacKinnon J, Phillipps K, van Balen B. 1992. Burung-Burung di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan
(Termasuk Sabah, Sarawak dan Brunei Darussalam): LIPI – Seri Panduan Lapangan. Jakarta: LIPI –
BirdLife Indonesia Programme.


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