Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) in Cats

By: Maryam Smeer

Translated : AwI Team

Upper respiratory infections or URI in cats are quite common. This disease arises due to viruses and bacteria. Most who experience this are young cats less than 8 weeks of age because immunity is not fully developed. In addition, cats who experience stress are more prone to this disease. This is because cats in that condition have decreased immunity.

Image1 JAAN Domestic Shelter

Image2 JAAN Domestic Shelter

There are several symptoms that arise as a sign of URI in cats. Among them are:

– Clear to colored discharge from the eyes and/or nose.
– Loss of appetite,
– Depression,
– Nose congestion,
– Sneezing,
– Coughing,
– Fever,
– and others.

Please note that feline URI is not contagious to humans or other animal species. It is only contagious to fellow cats. Therefore, there are several things that prevent the transmission of the disease to other cats.

Wash your hands thoroughly after handling an animal showing symptoms of URI. Do this the moment before contact with another cat, as URI is highly contagious.

Image4 JAAN Domestic Shelter

In addition, any cat showing signs of an upper respiratory infection should be isolated from other cats in the household, as URI is highly contagious between cats.

Therefore, learn more about URI prevention and treatment in cats. If your cat is showing symptoms of URI, don’t hesitate to consult your nearest veterinarian.


meowfornowfosterversion.pdf (aspcapro.org) (Meow for Now, Foster Care Guide.
Accessed on July 18, 2024, from   https://www.aspcapro.org/sites/default/files/meowfornowfosterversion.pdf 

aspca.org. (Celebrate National Kitten Day by Signing Up to Be a Kitten Foster!.
Accessed on July 31, 2024, from https://www.aspcapro.org/sites/default/files/meowfornowfosterversion.pdf

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