Healthy Cats =
Proper Diet

Fresh, clean drinking water is a constant requirement for cats. For cats to maintain their health and fitness, they require a balanced diet that includes foods that are exclusively found in meat-based products. Considering that cats are real carnivores (Karnivora Obligat).

By: Azmi Masfiyati
Translator: Sri Meilyana Tjoewardi

The dietary requirements of each individual vary and are influenced by a variety of factors, including age, degree of physical activity, health, and other considerations.

Certain cats have unique nutritional requirements; they include sick cats, growing young cats, elderly cats, and pregnant and nursing cats.Cats that overeat will gain weight, suffer, and may develop health issues and discomfort. Your cat may become ill and lose weight if you feed them too little.

Generally speaking, cats prefer to eat infrequently and in little amounts. Animals use their taste buds as a technique to select food that would satisfy their basic needs. Taste buds become extremely crucial.

The study by Hewson-Hughes provided a fairly precise picture of the dietary requirements of cats, with a focus on protein, fat, and carbohydrates. A cat’s daily requirements are roughly 26 grammes of protein, 9 grammes of fat, and 8 grammes of carbohydrates, or up to 52% of total calories from protein, 36% from fat, and 12% from carbohydrates. Additionally, studies have indicated that a house cat uses very little energy. A cat weighing 3.5 kg or less only needs to eat roughly 50 grammes of dry food each day on average.


Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs. “Code of Practice for the Welfare of Cats.”
Code of Practice for the Welfare of Cats, 2017, p. 13.
H. Himawan, J. T. Informatika, and F. T. Industri, “Pengembangan alat pemberi makan ikan otomatis menggunakan arduino terintegrasi berbasis iot,” vol. 15, no. 02, pp. 87–98, 2018.
Ullrey, D. E. (2004). “Mammals: Carnivores”. Dalam Pond, Wilson. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. CRC Press. hlm. 591. ISBN 978082475496

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