Why animal cruelty damages society as a whole?

By: Isabelle-Angelina Schosser

With the latest animal cruelty cases in Indonesia that have gone viral on social media platforms, it becomes all the more clear that the country desperately needs a new, more holistic approach to deal with this never-ending circle of suffering. Animal cruelty not only affects the animals themselves, but society as a whole, as studies have shown over and over again. In other words, there is a strong interconnectedness between violence towards animals and violence towards people, so it is crucial to recognize animal abuse as a strong predictor of potential violence towards humans.

Professionals in various fields, such as law enforcement, veterinary medicine, and social work, play crucial roles as first responders in identifying and addressing both animal and human abuse. This is the reason that animal cruelty has been included in psychiatric diagnostic manuals, where perpetrators not only of domestic violence but of violent crime in general are more likely to have a history of animal abuse, compared to others.

The latest, horrendous case that went viral is particularly disturbing, as it had been children who tortured a small dog named Viki to death. It is crucial to remind us all that this is not a normal behaviour of mentally healthy children that can be traced back to “curiosity” but a red flag, because children who torture animals display a common trait of serious mental illnesses such as psychopathy,which includes lack of empathy and is directly correlated to future violence against humans. An early warning sign, so to speak:


“Children who witness animal cruelty are 3-8 times more likely to abuse animals.
Children who engage in animal cruelty are more likely to abuse in the community,
at school, and in the family and to be exposed to domestic violence.. Children may
engage in cruelty to animals out of curiosity or imitation, because they have been
desensitized to violence, have decreased empathy, or lack of attachment.”

Scott Johnson, Psychotherapist, in his study about the connection
between animal cruelty general violent behaviour)

Another study showed that more than 50% of young individuals who witnessed domestic violence between their parents also participated in acts of animal cruelty. Among these children, nearly 70% were boys. Those who engage in animal cruelty tend to exhibit additional
antisocial behaviours, such as a diminished capacity for empathy towards both animals and humans experiencing violence, along with increased emotional and behavioural challenges. Animal cruelty, hence, should never be seen as isolated but connected to the surroundings, including a society that tolerates those kinds of violence as ‘normal’ 

The sad case of Viki should remind us that psychopathic behaviour is already displayed during childhood and is never something to take lightly, whether you love animals or not. It is our responsibility as a society to not only acknowledge this correlation but also intervene in it to protect potential victims of abuse, may they be animals or humans.

Only if we acknowledge that the perpetrators are seriously disturbed individuals that are posing a risk to our society can we provide the proper treatment in the case of those kids who killed Viki, psychological therapy , and in the case of adults, further juridical consequences for animal abuse cases, such as high fees and prison.
But this is only possible if those red flags here, the torture of a small dog are taken more seriously and interconnected with other violent patterns inside our society.

Photo : Instagram @lisameliana

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