Practical Tips for Street Feeding
By: Drh. Mikeu Paujiah dan Maryam, S. Kom
Translator: AWI Team
The public’s concern about the street animal population is undeniable. Female cats are one of the most productive animals in terms of reproduction. In one year, female cats can give birth up to 3-4 times. The gestation period of a cat is about 2 months or 63-65 days.
On average, one female cat gives birth to 4 baby kittens. Of course, you can imagine if this reproductive cycle is not controlled. Overpopulation of cats can easily occur if this is left unchecked.

Image 1. JAAN Domestic Shelter
Population problems can be controlled by sterilisation of animals. You can contact your local Veterinarian, or an
organisation with a Street Animal Sterilisation Program. One organisation that frequently sterilises street animals is JAAN Domestic’s Street Animal Clinic
For a clean environment, of course, the easiest tips for street feeding are as follows:
1. Give only enough food. About one tablespoon can be given for one cat.

3. Wait for the cat to finish eating the food. After that, clean up the leftover food and the food dish.
2. Cover the food with a plate or paper mat. Do not give food directly on the ground without a clean layer.

Street feeding is extremely beneficial for the welfare of homeless animals. If done in a responsible manner, it can have a positive impact on animals in need.
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