Empathy and Animals: Honing Students’ Social Skills

Empathy and Animals: Honing Students’ Social Skills

By : Drh. Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl. Montessori and Maryam Smeer Translator : AWI TeamEmpathy is the ability to understand and feel the feelings of others. Through empathy, we can respond to things in a loving and caring way.In education, teaching empathy to students is an...

When Children Abuse Animals: Danger Signals to Watch Out For

When Children Abuse Animals: Danger Signals to Watch Out For

By: Drh. Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl. Montessori and Maryam Smeer, S. Kom Translator : AWI TeamBeing aware of child abuse to animals is very important. This is because not only is it bad for the animal, but it can also be an indication of more serious problems in the child's...

4 Easy Ways to Find Out a Kitten’s Age

4 Easy Ways to Find Out a Kitten’s Age

By: Drh. Mikeu Paujiah And Maryam Smeer Translator : AWI TeamBaby kittens' eyes will be closed when they are born. Their eyes will start to open at around 8-12 days of age. Kittens' eyes will be fully open by the time they are 2 weeks old.Read Also : Tips for Feeding...

Tips for Feeding Orphaned Kittens

Tips for Feeding Orphaned Kittens

By: Maryam Smeer Translator : AWI TeamThe best condition for a baby kitten is in the care of its mother. However, not all baby kittens are that lucky. There are some conditions where the mother is absent or unable to care for her babies directly.Baby kittens are very...

Bringing Butterflies into Your Yard

Bringing Butterflies into Your Yard

By: Putu Eka Gunadi It's been said that you shouldn't chase after butterflies if you want to capture them. That made it hard to capture since the harder one tried to catch it, the farther it would fly. If you make yourself chase after it rather than obtaining it....

More Than Just War Victims: Those Rarely Spotlighted by the Mass Media

More Than Just War Victims: Those Rarely Spotlighted by the Mass Media

The sound of bullets whistling and bomb explosions shook the ground. Black smoke and thick dust from buildings destroyed by bombs rose in the sky. Residents and animals in the area were frightened and ran for safe shelter. That’s what the hustle and bustle of war in areas of armed conflict such as Gaza and Ukraine has been like in recent times. So many
human victims fell as a result of the war



FOUR PAWS explains what you need to look for to recognize
the signs of a potential cruelty situation. Cruelty to animals can
take many different forms. These range from suffering caused
by the way a pet is kept to acts of violence such as hitting or
kicking. Looking out for the physical, psychological and
environmental signs can help to identify animal cruelty.



You will help to reduce dog meat trade and illegal dog meat farm. You are supporting Animal Rescue Non-Profit Organization. Adoption fee that you spend will be
more useful compared to buy dog.