5 Unique Facts About Rabies

By: Drh. Mikeu Paujiah and Maryam Smeer, S. Kom

Translator : AWI Team

  1. Why is it called Rabies?

Rabies is caused by the Lyssa Virus. In Greek belief, Lyssa is the spirit of madness. It symbolises madness and anger. This describes the horror of Rabies disease.

2. Global incidence of Rabies

About 80% of human cases occur in rural areas, and more than 40% of rabies deaths occur in children under 15 years old. Most cases of rabies occur in Africa and Asia.

Image1. JAAN Domestic Shelter

Image 2 : World Rabies Transmission Map 2016

3. The economic burden of rabies is estimated at US$8.6 billion per year

Image 3 : Rabies imposes a heavy economic burden / Rabies imposes a heavy economic burden

4. WHO target since 2015: Rabies-Free World by 2030

In February 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) came together to launch the End Rabies Now campaign, which proposes a goal of zero human deaths from rabies by 2030 worldwide. In December 2015, a global conference of international stakeholders endorsed the vision of zero human deaths from rabies by 2030, or Zero by 2030. This global strategic plan presents an integrated, country-centred strategy to eliminate human deaths from dog-borne rabies by 2030.

The plan integrates rabies prevention with other health care interventions to strengthen health systems and engage stakeholders worldwide in the effort to end rabies.

5. Rabies Cases Can Be Suppressed by Vaccination

This figure shows that the higher the vaccination rate, the lower the rate of dog rabies transmission. This shows the high effectiveness of rabies vaccines in reducing the number of cases of rabies transmission from dogs to humans.

Moreover, WHO data states that 99% of human rabies is transmitted through Mad Dog bites. This shows that rabies cases in dogs and humans are closely related.

Image 4 : Effectiveness of rabies vaccination in dogs in Mexico and Sri Lanka

Those are some unique facts about Rabies. Surely, the hope of a Rabies-Free Indonesia is not impossible. Although Rabies poses a serious danger, it can be prevented. Let’s unite together to realise a Rabies-Free Indonesia!


World Health Organization: WHO. (2024, June 5). Rabies. World Health Organization: WHO. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies

Collaboration, U. A. R. (2019). First annual progress report: Zero by 30: The global strategic plan to end human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030.

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