Farm Animal Welfare: Quality Products, Safe Consumers

By: drh. Mikeu Paujiah and Maryam Smeer

Translator : AWI Team

Like humans, animals also have basic needs that need to be fulfilled. If all their basic needs are met, then the animal is said to be prosperous

Animal welfare is not just about animal needs. Humans also need animals whose welfare is fulfilled, one example is farm animals. If farm animals are prosperous, then they will provide quality livestock products.

Image 1.

5 Points that are parameters of animal welfare are :

  • Freedom from hunger and thirst
  • Free from discomfort
  • Free from pain and illness
  • Free to engage in natural behaviours
  • Free from fear and stress

5 Points that are parameters of animal welfare are :

  • Freedom from hunger and thirst
  • Free from discomfort
  • Free from pain and illness
  • Free to engage in natural behaviours
  • Free from fear and stress

Farm animal that are stressed and suffering before slaughter will produce poor quality meat. Moreover, livestock that die before slaughter will produce meat that is not safe for consumption 

Conversely, animals that are not stressed and suffering will produce meat that is of good quality, safe, and even healthy for consumption.

Farmers will also benefit if the welfare of their animals is met. Because the livestock are good, the selling price of the main products (meat, eggs, milk) and by-products (leather, etc.) will increase 

Image 1. The difference between good quality meat and not.
(Sumber: hewan-animal-welfare/)

Animal welfare is key to improving the quality of livestock products. This in turn affects the sustainability of the farm. By prioritising animal welfare, farmers not only meet ethical standards but also build a strong reputation with consumers. This is undoubtedly an investment for a better future of animal husbandry.


Drh. Mikeu Paujiah, Dipl. Montessori. Mengenal 5 Domain dalam Penilaian Kesejahteraan Hewan. Diakses pada 21 Agustus 2024, dari 

Drh. Ni Wayan Leestyawati Palgunadi, M. Si. (2020, 7 April). Kesejahteraan Hewan (Animal Welfare). Diakses pada 21 Agustus 2024 dari